The Powerpoint presentations that I use in class are uploaded each afternoon after class.  Sometimes I forget.  If you need to access a presentation, and I have not posted it yet, please email me.  Depending on your browser, you may view them on-line or download them and view them using Powerpoint.  Please keep in mind that these figures act as a jumping off point for teaching and discussing in class, and there may be information that was discussed in class that did not have an accompanying figure.  Click on the dates to access the presentation.
8/29  Class Introduction and How do we answer scientific questions?
8/31  Strong Inference (article as pdf)
9/5  DNA Structure and Gene Perspectives
9/7  DNA Perspectives and Transposons
9/10  The RNA World Hypothesis and an Introduction to Signal Transduction
9/12  Signal Transduction:  Why So Many Steps?
9/14  How does calcium play such a ubiquitous and diverse role in signal transduction?
We will look at figure 1 from Scrase-Field and Knight, Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2003, 6:500–506;
figures 1and 2 from Allen et al., Nature, Vol 411:1053-1057,  28 June 2001; and figure 3 from  Shaw and Long, Plant Physiology, March 2003, Vol. 131, pp. 976–984
These articles can be found at by entering the journal title and then looking for the appropriate volume.
9/17  The End of Calcium and the Direction of Transcription
9/19  Transcription and RNA Processing
9/21  Translation and Nature and Nurture
9/24  More Nature and Nurture
mini-quiz over Nature/Nurture (now with answers)
End of Material for Exam 1

9/28  Introduction to Regulation of Gene Expression and Arrest of Transcription after DNA Damage
(see article:  Kruhlak M. et al in Nature Vol 447 pg 730-734 (7 June 2007))
10/1  Regulation of Gene Expression in Bacteria  (Noon class, the lectures are presented as originally intended with the article about rRNA transcription inhibition by DNA damage on Friday 9/28.)
10/3  Regulation of Gene Expression at the level of DNA
Article: Four Stranded DNA (pdf)
10/5  Regulation of Gene Expression:  Transcription and RNA Processing (see article: Mammalian mRNA Splice-Isoform Selection Is Tightly Controlled by Jennifer L. Chisa and David T. Burke in Genetics, Vol. 175: 1079-1087, March 2007)
10/8  Regulation of Gene Expression:  RNA Transport, RNA Degradation, and Micro/Silencing RNA
10/10  Regulation of Gene Expression:  Translation and Post-translation plus Development:  Exposure to Smoke During Development:  Fetal Programming of Adult Disease (2006) Bergen H., Tobacco Induced Diseases 3:5-16
10/12  Development
10/15  Development and Genome Organization
10/17  Genome Organization including two articles by the same group:  Recently Mobilized Transposons in the Human and Chimpanzee Genomes (2006)
Ryan E. Mills, E. Andrew Bennett, Rebecca C. Iskow, Christopher T. Luttig, Circe Tsui, W. Stephen Pittard, and Scott E. Devine  The American Journal of Human Genetics Volume 78 pg 671-679  and  Which transposable elements are active in the human genome? (2007) Ryan E. Mills, E. Andrew Bennett, Rebecca C. Iskow, and Scott E. Devine Trends in Genetics Vol.23 No.4 pg 183-191
10/19  Using PCR and RFLPs for DNA Fingerprinting
10/22  What is being genetically engineered and why?
10/24  How can DNA from another organism be inserted into bacteria?
10/26  How are other organisms genetically modified?
mini quiz over genetic engineering techniques
mini quiz answers
End of material for Exam #2

11/2  DNA Replication (as pdf)
11/5  Problems during DNA Replication:  Errors and Ends (as pdf)
11/7  Telomeres and Mitosis
11/9  Mitosis and Cancer
11/12  Cancer Causes and Treatments
11/14  Cancer Treatments, Diagnosis by Microarray, and an introduction to Meiosis
11/16  Meiosis, Creating Genetic Diversity, and Inheritance
11/19  Inheritance:  incomplete dominance, codominance, sex-linked genes
11/26  Inheritance:  mtDNA and linkage mapping
11/28  Inheritance:  linkage mapping of two and three genes, multiple genes for one trait, and one gene for multiple traits
Quiz for noon class discussion on 11/30 and 12/3
11/30  Using Probability in Inheritance and an Introduction to Evolution
12/3  What does DNA tell us about the origins of humans?
Pre-exam 3 quiz answers

(If you want some practice for solving genetics problems you can look at the following problems from the textbook:  Chapter 2- 1, 4-6, 8, 9, 14, 20, 22, 27-30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 43, 45-47, and 52.  Chapter 3- 1, 2, 9, 14, 17, and 20.  Chapter 4- 1-3, 6, 7, 10, 12a and b, and 14.  Chapter 6- 7 and 12)
Answers to book questions as pdf
End of Material for Exam #3