Chemical Signaling Within the Animal Body - The Endocrine System



Endocrine glands Table 35.1a; Table 35.1b; Table 35.1c; Table 35.1d

Major glands of the human endocrine system - Fig. 35.1

Exocrine glands secrete their products into ducts, such as sweat glands.

The Chain of Command
- the hypothalamus initiates the production of hormones by the pituitary gland (Fig. 35.6).

How Hormones Work - Fig. 35.2  Movie


Steroid Hormones Enter Cells Fig. 35.3  Movie


estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone

anabolic steroids


Peptide Hormones Act at the Cell Surface Fig. 35.4

All the non-steroid hormones are peptide hormones. Examples are insulin and growth hormone.