

The Challenge of Sequencing Entire Genomes





The first sequencing of a small bacterial virus in 1977 was a milestone because it showed that the exact location of every gene can be found.


Sequencing DNA Fig 15.1 and image



Amplification by PCR


Need fragments of DNA, nucleotides, primers and DNA polymerase plus four different chain-terminating chemical tags that mimic nucleotides.


Gel electrophoresis


X-ray and computer analysis.


Automated sequencing machines


The Human Genome: Example: the mapping of chromosome 3.


Geography of the Genome Fig 15.2

There are about  25,000 genes in the human genome and 3.2 billion base pairs.





If stretched out, the DNA of a human cell would be 6 ft long and only 1-1.5% of it is coding.


Noncoding DNA Table 15.1


The human genome possesses a startling amount of noncoding DNA, up to 99% of the total.


Comparing Genomes  (Fig 15.3)

Comparing genomes of different species reveals relationships between species and provides a powerful new tool to explore relationships between organisms.


1.    More complex organisms tend to have more genes.

2.    All mammals have the same size genomes.

3.    A large number of genes are new to science.

4.    Large differences in genome sizes sometimes arise through duplication of chromosomes or entire genomes.

5.    Key genes tend to be conserved.

6.    Rates of evolution tend to vary.

7.    Darwin was right: genomes of relatives are more alike.

8.    Noncodng DNA is not junk.


Primate evolution Fig. 27.1


Chimpanzees and humans diverged about 6 million years ago.

Just 1.4 % of the DNA is different at the level of single letters of the genetic code.


Genome Evolution Table 15.2a and Table 15.2b

Can use sequenced genomes to explore evolutionary changes that have occurred between species. (Fig 15.5) Can design a phylogenetic tree.

Can also use them to discover differences between individuals. Y-chromosome DNA   Image


Variation Within the Genome


Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)


SNPs have a low rate of mutation and thus are good markers of human history.  Most useful for comparing entire genomes.


Putting Genomic Information to Work

          Gene Microarrays Figs. Fig 15.6


Screen for gene activity.

Microarrays are small glass squares covered with millions of strands of DNA that can be scanned using a beam of light. Each spot has many copies of the same gene, each different. There will be thousands of different genes present.  These are known as probes. 


From cells to be studied, the mRNA is removed and used to make complementary DNA (cDNA) (no junk in it).

This is washed across the chip and different cDNA molecules join with some of the different genes on the chip.



How Microarray Gene Chips Can Be Used to Screen for Cancer Fig 15.7


Identify types of cancer


Genetic diseases.



 the revolution in cell technology

Cloning -To make an exact genetic copy; can be a gene, a cell, or an entire organism.

Cloning by embryo splitting

Wilmut's Lamb (Dolly) (Fig 16.2a and Fig 16.2b) Reproductive cloning.

Cloned animals Fig 16.3

Cloning humans


Problems With Reproductive Cloning


The Importance of Genomic Imprinting Fig 16.4

gametic imprinting

zygotic imprinting


Embryonic Stem Cells




Each major tissue is formed from its own kind of tissue-specific adult stem cell.


Embryonic Stem Cells

May offer the possibility of restoring damaged tissue.


Therapeutic Cloning (Fig 16.8)


cloned embryo.


The cloned embryo is cloned from the personÕs skin cells.


The cloned embryo is then destroyed to obtain embryonic stem cells.


The embryonic stem cells are used to replace the patientÕs damaged or disabled tissue.


Passes immune systemÕs self-identity check.


Some fear that a cloned embryo might be brought to term if inserted into a human uterus.


This is impossible because of the genetic imprinting problem.


Initial Attempts at Gene Therapy Movie


Early Success  ADA deficient gene

In 1990, two girls were cured of a rare blood disorder by injections of gene-modified proliferated bone marrow.


Problems With the Vector  (Fig 16.9)


adenovirus vector


More Promising Vectors Fig 16.10   Retrovirus


adeno-associated virus [AAV]


In 1999, AAV successfully cured anemia in rhesus monkeys.


AAV cured dogs of a hereditary disorder leading to retinal degeneration and blindness.


In 2000, the first gene therapy for muscular dystrophy occurred.


Trials are also under way for cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemophilia, and types of cancer.


Ethical Issues Raised by Gene Therapy


Ethicists prefer the term gene intervention because gene therapy implies a cure.


Gene intervention of somatic tissues is what is meant by gene therapy.


Gene intervention of germ-line tissue has not yet been attempted in humans because the changes induced are inherited.