How Genes Work

Watson and Crick/ Rosalind Franklin

The DNA molecule has a sugar-phosphate backbone with base-pairing on its interior, and is twisted into a double helix (Fig. 12.4c). The nucleotide base pairs are adenine - thymine (A-T) and guanine - cytosine (G-C). Fig. 12.3

How the DNA Molecule Replicates
(Fig. 12.9) Prokaryote movie. Movie 2

Each individual chain of a DNA molecule is complementary to its pair. Fig. 12.7. ATTGCAT/TAACGTA

 DNA polymerase


DNA molecule "unzips" with the enzyme helicase


replication fork.

and lagging strands Fig. 12.8



Mutation  Table 12.1

Germ-line tissues

Somatic tissues

Altering the sequence of DNA  Fig 12.11

Changes in gene position

The Importance of Genetic Change in Germ-line tissue

Evolution can be viewed as the natural selection of particular combinations of alleles from a pool of alternatives.

Genetic change through mutation and recombination provides the raw material for evolution.

From Gene to Protein (Image)

Step 1
is transcription, the production of messenger RNA (mRNA)
The Transcription Process
(Fig. 13.1) Movie



RNA polymerase



strand of mRNA



The Genetic Code Fig. 13.2

The mRNA sequence that corresponds to the three-nucleotide sequence on DNA is called a codon.

Step 2 is translation Movie.

Ribosomes (Fig. 13.3)

Transfer RNA
(tRNA) (Fig. 13.4)



Making the Protein (Fig.13.5)

Ribosomes guide the translation process   Fig. 13.6

Processing eukaryotic DNA  Fig. 13.8

Overview: from DNA to protein Fig 13.10

Turning a gene on or off

         DNA methylation - turns genes off permanently

         Blocking access to the DNA by RNA polymerase  Fig. 13.14

         RNA interference or gene silencing